New Creation is a free weekly program that offers one-on-one mentoring, budget coaching, and support with basic essential items. By participating in the program, individuals are equipped with community, hope, and empowerment.

The program begins with three essential courses, followed by the opportunity to take elective classes.

New Creation Essential Courses:

Affirming Potential: This course embarks on a life-changing journey to better understand our past, embrace our present, and confidently lean into our future.

Boundaries: This course teaches the development of clear boundaries and wisdom in when to say yes and when to say no.

Faith & Finance: This course addresses God’s principles for how we handle our money and possessions.

Elective Classes Offered:

Stress Management, Bible Study, Healthy Cooking, Bargain Shopping, Gardening, Hope, Encouragement, Leadership and more!

Interested in attending? Join us for our New Creation Welcome Orientation on Thursdays at 4:30 PM at Grace Lutheran Church in Howell.

Have questions? Give us a call at:
(517) 552-3620


Interested in helping with the New Creation Program?

There are so many opportunities available to serve in this ministry such as mentorship, childcare, course leaders and more. Training is provided.

The New Creation Program offers transformation to participants and volunteers alike! We invite you to journey with us as we answer God's call to serve our community. 


Interested in Providing a Meal?

We have an opportunity! We are looking for churches to provide meals to our New Creation Program. Utilize your small/life groups, ministry teams, meal teams, individuals, or staff to provide Thursday evening meals. 

Meals would be delivered to Grace Lutheran-Howell by 4:15pm each Thursday. Expected around 35 participants. (Order and delivery services may also be used to provide meals.)

Or use the donate button below to provide funds for a New Creation Meal


Lori was in our New Creation Ministry. We are so proud of her.
This is her story:

For additional understanding of our New Creation program, please watch this video, compliments of Love INC of Newaygo, Michigan