Love INC stands for Love In the Name of Christ. As a part of a nationwide movement (, we are a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to meeting basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, transportation, and money management. To accomplish this, we assist on an individual level and on community levels. 

While assisting the immediate needs of folks in crisis, we also seek to transform community practices that tend to grip citizens in the hand of poverty--practices that affect community development, child care, health care, and more. Our mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the name of Christ.

Our vision is to motivate and equip our local Church community to collectively support people in physical, emotional, and spiritual need, leading to self-sufficiency and a relationship with a faith community.

We are a unique collaboration of over 60 churches in Livingston County that provide a wide range of needs. Love INC has a team of specially trained volunteers that build relationships, verify needs, and determine distribution of resources. We work with our partner churches and local agencies to more efficiently and effectively use limited resources. 

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
-Matthew 25:40


Meet Our Board Members


Laurie Bourbonais is the Executive Director of Love INC of the Greater Livingston Area. She has worked in various roles at this Love INC affiliate since being hired in 2013. Some of these roles are Clearinghouse Care Center Coordinator, Church Relations Coordinator, and New Creation Ministry Director.

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Donna Alberta is a part-time Director of Senior Care at her home church, Cornerstone Evangelical Presbyterian in Brighton. She previously served full-time at Cornerstone for many years in Women’s Ministries and Pastoral Care, and for a short while at Love INC as its Development Director. She holds a BA in English Literature from Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey and completed an academic enrichment program from the Colson Center for Christian Worldview. Donna also teaches a weekly class for those 65+, called Off Our Rockers. The focus of the group is to promote purposeful and graceful living for aging Jesus followers. Donna, is the mother of four beloved adult sons, four wonderful daughters-in-love, and thirteen grandchildren. Her leisure activities include gardening, golfing, and enjoying her growing family.

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Bill Drabing joined the Board of Directors with Love INC in January 2021. I attend Huron River Methodist church. My wife and I have three children in college. I love seeing churches work together and I am inspired to see so many people volunteer to assist our neighbors. I see God in each of the contacts Love INC has with the community and can see He provides hope


Sophia Freni has called the Howell/Oceola Township area home since 2004. She is currently the Director of Business Development and Education at the Greater Brighton Area Chamber of Commerce and is an active member of St. Mary Magdalen Church in Brighton. When she is not working, you will find her at her favorite coffee shop or out on her kayak. She has two grown children, Tara and Dominic, and a rescue dog named Olive. “Together we can do great things” - Mother Teresa


Marcia Gebarowski grew up in Pinckney and currently lives in Howell with her husband Jon, two children, and two cats. She holds a masters degree in Urban Planning and Economic Development from Wayne State University. She has worked in the field of state and local economic development for 20 years, and currently works for Ann Arbor SPARK overseeing economic development in Livingston County. Marcia and her family are active members at Arise United Methodist Church in Pinckney. She was introduced to Love INC through her participation in the Leadership Livingston program and worked with Love INC to create a strategic plan for the Resale Store.

Pastor Ken started as a pastor on June 1st of 2020 at Shalom Lutheran Church. He had a rewarding and successful business career that spanned over 30 years. He was called by Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church in Clarkston and was ordained in June of 2018. He brings with him a deep sense of God's presence developed over the past 10 years as a trained spiritual director and graduate of Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio. Ken is married to Diane Bareis Greble (a pastor as well), has two daughters, and a dog.

Hank Vaupel graduated from Michigan State University with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and a Bachelor of Science Degree. Dr. Vaupel practiced Veterinary Medicine for over 40 years.  He has served as the Chairman of the State Board of Veterinary Medicine, Township Supervisor in Handy Township, Vice President of the Fowlerville Community Schools Board of Education and  various Boards within Livingston County.  Dr.Vaupel also served as State Representative for the 47th District where he served as Chairperson of the Health Policy Committee in the House of Representatives.  He is a Veteran of the U.S. Army and has been married to his wife Cathy for 52 years.